
Pecha Kucha sábado 20

Anoche estuve en un ensayo del Pecha Kucha del próximo sábado y me acordé por qué me encanta el arte. Todos los presentadores tienen un historia absolutamente particular qué contar... Es sorprendente cuán distinto es el mundo de cada uno de los artistas, pero no hay nada más maravilloso que entender que el arte está hecho específicamente para ésto - para que cada quien se sienta cómodo con lo que hace. Ver a personas que han dedicado tiempo en sus vidas para desarrollar proyectos y visiones tan personales es comida para el espíritu.

Ójala que aquellos que estén pensando en asistir no lo piensen más y se animen.

$20,000 pesos. Una causa buena http://www.pecha-kucha.org/pechakucha-for-haiti

Boletas en Quinta Galería o http://pknbogota.wordpress.com/2010/02/10/pre-venta-de-entradasdonaciones/

Nos vemos.


Voodoo Child

Not quite a Hendrix, but for some reason the title resonated... Anyways, this is finally done. I've never quite fully understood what being done means, but I feel this one is resolved. Pretty happy with it, I especially like a few abstract moments and open color areas.

Recently, moreso than ever, I've been asking myself why I used to paint in a somewhat detailed manner. I wonder what drove me to resolve more intricately certain images, or at times, to indiscriminately "finish" every single area in a painting. And all I could come up with is that I wanted to see if I could paint those things. I realized that I wasn't really paying attention to the overall image, but I was trying to prove to myself that I wasn't going to forget about elements in the painting, that may very well have been irrelevant to the idea behind the image.

Nowadays, and I have no idea if this shows and I hope it doesn't come off as lazyness, I try to understand what it is I'm trying to say, and concentrate solely on those elements. There are important but secondary moments in a painting that can't be overlooked, but having hierarchy in terms of paint quality and resolution in an image really interests me now...


Greg Tocchini

Wow... I haven't been impressed with a comic book artist for the longest time... but this guy is phenomenal... He's just a straight good storyteller. Something that, I feel and fear, the vast majority of comic book artists have forgotten. Great design, exciting angles, fresh coloring... love his work.



Peka Kucha Night

I was asked by fellow artist and teacher Nobara Catalina Hayakawa, to participate in a Peka Kucha night here in Bogotá on Feb. 20th at Quinta Galería http://www.quintagaleria.com/QuintaGaleria.htm . This one is a global iniciative to gather funds for Haiti. For those of you who are not familiar with what Peka Kucha is (as I was), here are some links.



For some reason it seems like speed-dating to me, but I'm sure it will be fun. I want to show my work, but I don't really want to make my presentation about my work... I just find it weird when an artist talks about his or her work... We visual artists supposedly create images that speak for us...

Anyways, please support a good cause, it will certainly be fun, and the presenters seem like wonderfully interesting people (as opposed to the guy writing this...)