Not quite a Hendrix, but for some reason the title resonated... Anyways, this is finally done. I've never quite fully understood what being
done means, but I feel this one is resolved. Pretty happy with it, I especially like a few abstract moments and open color areas.
Recently, moreso than ever, I've been asking myself why I used to paint in a somewhat detailed manner. I wonder what drove me to resolve more intricately certain images, or at times, to indiscriminately "finish" every single area in a painting. And all I could come up with is that I wanted to see if I could paint those things. I realized that I wasn't really paying attention to the overall image, but I was trying to prove to myself that I wasn't going to forget about elements in the painting, that may very well have been irrelevant to the idea behind the image.
Nowadays, and I have no idea if this shows and I hope it doesn't come off as lazyness, I try to understand what it is I'm trying to say, and concentrate solely on those elements. There are important but secondary moments in a painting that can't be overlooked, but having hierarchy in terms of paint quality and resolution in an image really interests me now...